Simply Put: A Music Obsession


For years I have been annoying everyone in my life with my endless amounts of music talk. I am not a musician or singer, but more of just an enthusiast. I simply love discussing all things music. My favorite conversations are those that involve the back and forth opinions and ideas about music. This is my “nerd out” topic and I just want a place to put it all down and share in hopes that other music nerds out there find these topics as exhilarating as I do.

Everything I know about myself, I have learned through music. It is one of the few things I am consistently interested in and I have allowed it to consume the majority of my life. I don’t claim to be an expert or be some type of know-all, I just want to write about the things that excite me. I would love for these topics to become a catalyst for starting discussions about past music, future music and the influences that bleed through into today.

I hope you learn something, find a new favorite artist or simply just enjoy my ramblings.

Thanks for reading!

