Christmas Music Thrives on Nostalgia

Every holiday season, folks turn to Christmas music to help get them in the mood for the holidays, typically the same songs they play every year. Last year, I wrote about whether or not all the classic Christmas songs have already been written (linked here), which lead me to think about why exactly these classic Christmas songs have remained the beloved classics that we turn to every single year. My determination: Nostalgia

Like many others, I am all consumed by nostalgia. Honestly, I feel like nostalgia is one of the most powerful feelings and it shows up throughout many different avenues of life, especially during the holidays. From the moment you start to pull out the decorations and begin making plans, some of the first things that run through our minds are the holiday traditions of our families. When we are selecting the ornaments to put on the tree, many times we will smile as we choose the ornaments that carry so many memories of holidays passed. We may put up a holiday figurine on the mantle that our parents once had on their mantle, that was given to them by their parents after spending many decades on their mantle. And while we are decorating and doing these tiny little traditions and actions to set the scene for the holiday season, we will also likely put on the same holiday songs we know and love just like the holiday seasons before.

Think about all the favorite Christmas songs that you look forward to listening to every year. What about those songs makes them your favorites? Also, do you remember ever not knowing those songs? Likely, you select the songs that remind you of good holiday memories as a child. Funny enough, those songs were likely played during your childhood holidays because your parents or family members played them because they reminded THEM of their childhood holiday memories. This cycle goes on and on, thus these classic Christmas songs get passed down from generation to generation.

So, thinking back to my post from last Christmas questioning whether or not all the classic Christmas songs have already been made, it is almost like our intense feelings of nostalgia when listening to these classic Christmas songs don’t really allow room for newer songs to make their way into that playlist, especially when they don’t hold the weight of memories like all these other songs do. At least in my experience, when I hear a new Christmas song that I have never heard before, I almost dismiss it because I don’t really feel any of the usual warm feelings upon hearing it. However, when I hear “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby, I immediately picture myself in my childhood home near the Christmas tree helping my mom hang ornaments while my dad sings along to the song. When I hear “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee, I instantly picture my brother and I in the back seat of the car while our parents are driving around different neighborhoods looking at all the beautifully decorated homes. And when I hear “Christmas Time is Here” by Vince Guaraldi Trio, I am overcome with the peaceful and joyful anticipation that accompanies Christmas Eve after spending the evening having dinner with the family and thinking of all the wonderful goodies Santa will bring. I honestly could go on and on with memories that are tied to so many of these classic Christmas songs.

Because of my collection of wonderful Christmas memories, I play these songs every year while I decorate or help get myself into the Christmas mood. And because these are now staples during the holidays for me, my future children will then form their own memories to these same songs. Thus, continuing to pass on these classic songs, all thanks to nostalgia!

Crediting the longevity of these songs to nostalgia isn’t to say that they aren’t fantastic songs that are deserving of that longevity in any way. I am more so saying that because nostalgia and tradition plays such a huge part in the holiday season, these classic Christmas songs will likely experience a longevity that majority of classic songs from any genre will ever experience. That in and of itself is so remarkable and honestly quite an accomplishment for the artists of these songs.

So, ask yourself this: What are some of your favorite Christmas songs and why exactly are they your favorite? Is it because of the memories and nostalgia tied them?


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